GPP ( Group Project Proposal )



Names: Jerrold Wong, Jeff Lee, Bryan Ng, Samuel Ng    

Class: S2-09       

Group Reference: D   

1. Indicate the type of research that you are adopting: 

[    ] Test a hypothesis: Hypothesis-driven research 
e.g. Investigation of the anti-bacteria effect of chrysanthemum 

[    ] Measure a value: Experimental research (I) 
e.g. Determination of the mass of Jupiter using planetary photography 

[ X ] Measure a function or relationship: Experimental research (II)
e.g. Investigation of the effect of temperature on the growth of crystals 

[    ] Construct a model: Theoretical sciences and applied mathematics
e.g. Modeling of the cooling curve of naphthalene  

[    ] Observational and exploratory research
e.g. Investigation of the soil quality in School of Science and Technology, Singapore  

[    ] Improve a product or process: Industrial and applied research
e.g. Development of a SMART and GREEN energy system for households  

2. Write a research proposal of your interested topic in the following format:

Title : An investigation on how different body postures and changes affect concentration? 

3. Question or Problem being addressed

A student wanted to find out what postures are the best for concentration. (AIM)

The independent variable are : 
(a) The type of work
(b) The chair
(c) Location (distractions included)
(d) Amount of work

The dependent variable are : 
(a) Amount of work done
(b) Quality of work
(c) Speed of work being done

The constants are : 
(a) Person
(b) Venue
(c) Time
(d) Mood 
(e) Amount of work
(f) Medical condition
(g) Music ( Classic )

4. Goals / Expected Outcomes / Hypotheses

Our hypothesis is that “ My body postures as well as listening to classic music,will affect my work speed and quality of work in a good way”

5. Description in detail of method or procedures (The following are important and key items that should be included when formulating ANY AND ALL research plans.)

Equipment list:  
  • Stopwatch
  • Computer to play the Concentration Game
  • Music Player
  • Room without distractions
  • Room with distractions
  • Camera to record experiment process
  • Computer to tabulate results

6. Procedures: Detail all procedures and experimental design to be used for data collection

1.Get the necessary materials, such as music players, a room with and without distractions, perhaps in one of the group member's house's rooms.

2.Have a group member ( will be selected on the day) try to complete the Concentration Game in different conditions, such as sitting positions and bodily changes on them while another will take the time using a stopwatch to make sure that the timing is accurate. 

3.Make the group member complete the Concentration Game at least 4 times in different conditions, with one as the control,where there is little to no distractions and proper lighting and so on.

4.Compile the results and determine whether the hypothesis is correct.

5.If required, make a graph, with the x axis as the amount of distractions and the y axis as the work completed/quality of work.

6.Enter results into the 'Results' tab in the blog.

7. Risk and Safety: Identify any potential risks and safety precautions to be taken.


8. Data Analysis: Describe the procedures you will use to analyze the data/results that answer research questions or hypotheses

1. Collate and sort the results from the experiment.

2. Compare the results.

3. Find out which variables affect the results and record them down.

4. Determine if the hypothesis is correct by comparing to results.

9. Bibliography: List at least five (5) major references (e.g. science journal articles, books, internet sites) from your literature review. If you plan to use vertebrate animals, one of these references must be an animal care reference. Choose the APA format and use it consistently to reference the literature used in the research plan. List your entries in alphabetical order. 

Brett Mckay, Kate Mckay ( July 5 2011) Become a Stand-Up Guy: The History, Benefits, and Use of Standing Desks. Retrieved July 9, 2013 from

Concentration Game. Retrieved July 10th 2013

Eckert, E (2005, April) Posture Conveys Authority.

Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D (2009, October 5). Change Your Posture. Psychology Today. Retrieved July 9, 2013, from

Ohio State University (2009, October 5). Body Posture Affects Confidence In Your Own Thoughts, Study Finds. ScienceDaily. Retrieved July 9, 2013, from­/releases/2009/10/091005111627.htm

Paul, A. M. (Sept. 12, 2012) Does Listening to Music While Working Make You Less Productive?. 9 July, 2013, from:

United States Department of Labor. Good Working Positions Retrieved July 9th 2013

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